ID Please
This is a good start, but it's time for a national ID. It needs to be as forgery proof as possible by containing some sort of chip to encode a nearly unbreakable password. This ID would be required to get a job, get a passport, drive a car, rent an apartment, get married, etc. We could use them for "green cards" and other visas. This is an important step to ensure border security. I can't decide whether it should be implanted.
As a bonus it would greatly damage the underground immigrant economy. I'm all in favor of immigration. I just want to know who we are letting in, collect the taxes they aren't paying (thereby reducing my own) and know when they are supposed to leave. We need immigrants since Americans, like me, aren't having kids in rates enough to support our economy. Without immigrants we would be toiling along with anemic growth like
Don't let the libertarians scare you with the whole "government monitoring" argument. Corporations, individuals and the government can easily find reams of information about you with a few keystrokes. A national ID card isn't going to hurt anyone but criminals.
Just kidding. I have decided about the whole implantable thing.
Thanks for stopping by Steve.
As I said in my post I don't think it can't get much easier to get all the info you want to sell stuff. It even comes all organized by demographic "for just a few dollars more."
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