Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ding Dong Dan KolBB is Gone!

The human WHIP machine was finally relieved today. The guy who somehow only walked 15 guys all last season already has 16 this year, just under a walk an inning. In short he was terrible from the start and even his saves have been a high wire act.

Cox sure took his sweet time making the decision, but it’s not like the pen is brimming with talent either. Reitsma was good until recently, but after last year’s end of the season debacles I can’t say I trust him. Of Reitsma, Benero, Sosa and Colon, I think the most of Sosa’s electric stuff, but he has major control problems. I would like for the Braves to trade for some pen talent, but they don’t have any money to spend on a real closer. Plus bullpens are blowing up all around the majors (Chicago, Oakland, Giants, KC, LA, Florida, Colorado) teams will have steep demands for good relievers. Realistically, I would rather trade for a replacement level outfielder than pen help. Then we could take Mondesi for a nice ride in the country.



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