Saturday, May 21, 2005

Episode III


What can I say about Revenge of the Sith?

The entire movie was poorly paced. Scenes cut in and out that should have been longer or not included at all. Herky-jerky filming with poorly shot scenes. Stolid acting and poor dialogue added to the disappointment.

Excellent SFX, but couldn’t make up for the terrible film-making effort. Worse than any of the first 3 but better than the last 2. The final battle between Obi-Won and Anikan was good but not spectacular, and ended stupidly. Much too whiny. Palpatine was OK, but not as good or seductive as I expected, too transparent. The scenes between Padame and Anakin were, in a word, terrible.

I never really believed that Anakin really turned to the dark-side. I just felt he was going with what was convenient.

Of course this is my first impression, and I’m drunk of margaritas as I write.

I would still recommend seeing it in the theater in full digital. I didn’t see it in full digital and noticed thanks to the terrible projectionist.

Honestly, I liked “Chronicles of Riddick” directors cut better as a movie.



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