My liberal friend is always brining up the issue of the growing theocracy to persuade me to abandon the GOP. See I am pretty much an atheist/agnostic. I don’t believe that JC was the son of god or that there actually is a god (see, I even avoided the scare quotes). I actually think it is pretty silly that otherwise rational people believe that some all-powerful being actually exists and cares about them.
That being said, I wholeheartedly support people’s right to their opinions and respect their right to hold their beliefs. If you want to worship a golden calf, sacrifice animals and read their entrails to divine god’s will, more power too you as long as you don’t torture the animals. However, I draw the line at human sacrifice for all you Mayans out there.
I agree with Marx that religion is the opiate of the people. Religion makes many people feel their lives are fulfilling and that at least one being cares about them. I look at religion in an evolutionary way. It all started back in the day to explain the inexplicable, the weather, the Sun and Moon, why Krong got killed even though he was a good hunter and killed many mammoths but Dronk who was a worthless hunter and a general parasite on the clan lived until he was 80. Science and reason replaced religion in everything except for the big questions: Why are we here? What happens to us when we die?
All of the major world religions focus on these two themes. This is not a coincidence. It is the product of evolution, throwing out the stuff that has been explained and sticking to the inexplicable. There is tons of stuff in the old testament explaining earthquakes, floods, pestilence, etc. as god’s will. Well most Jews don’t buy into that anymore and it has all been conveniently dismissed or ignored by most Christians as well.
The one thing that keeps me voting for the GOP is the knowledge that a theocracy could never come to being in the US. Why do I believe so strongly? The first amendment to the constitution is piece number one. Article 6 Section 3 of the constitution is piece number two. The third and final piece is that there are about 50 gagillion different religions and sects and churches in the US and there is no way that anyone could get even 30% of the US population to agree on a single religion. The minute you start imposing religion on people is the day they decide to throw you out of office. Can politicians pick certain religiously inspired themes and get them through? Of course they can if they have widespread acceptance. Martin Luther King used religion very very effectively to cram civil rights down the throat of a mostly unwilling populace.
Religion can be used by politicians and leaders very effectively, but it will never be the end, only the means.