Friday, July 15, 2005

Islamists Have No Hope

The war against Islamist extremism is coming to a head.

The recent bombings in London underscore the inability of most of western civilization to understand what drive terrorism. The acts we are seeing are not out of frustration with politics, they are politics. We are in the middle of a blood feud and we don’t know it. The only way out is to soak the soil with enough blood of our enemy to make them realize that they cannot win. We need to break Islam of its fundamentalist streak once and for all by killing every Islamic Imam that advocates violence against infidels, followed closely by their followers. There is no other way. They think we are weak. They think we are cowards. They think we don’t have the stomach for the killing and bloodshed. They are wrong.

Obviously I don’t want or wish for us to be attacked again. I don’t want another WTC attack. I don’t want hundreds, thousands or millions of Americans killed, but I fear it is the only thing that will save us. The US must be terribly attacked again or our attention will fail. This war is far from over, and unlike our war with the Soviets this war is hot. The US will see another devastating attack. We will avenge masses of dead Americans on our shores. It will be the clarion call for the final action against Islamic extremism. We will not and cannot tolerate the cancer of Islamists to metastasize further. We must cut out the heart of the movement and destroy any remaining cells.

Do you call for the return of the Caliph? You will die. Do you call for killing non-Muslims? You will die. Do you call for the death of “infidel-Muslims”? You will die. Does your country support Islamists? Your country will be obliterated.

We had no problems slaughtering hundreds of thousands of civilians in Germany and Japan during WW2. We will have no compunction killing thousands of Muslims if your do not eliminate your fanatics. One more big hit and the citizens of the USA will lose all restraint against Muslims. You think the Patriot act is bad? Wait until we deport every Muslim non-citizen and implant tracking chips into Muslim citizens in the hope you will leave.

If another few thousand Americans die in a terrorist attack we will be Godzilla stomping around until your shooting stops and then we’ll keep it going for a while to be sure you understand. Nobody can stop us or even hope to contain us. You think we don’t care about civilian casualties? Wait until we really don’t care. We could devastate every Muslim country with conventional arms in weeks. We will destroy every piece of important infrastructure you have and then start the incendiary carpet-bombing of every one of your major cities, and nobody can or will try to stop us.

Right now the USA is hoping this can be avoided because we don’t like killing civilians. Notice that I didn’t say innocent. You are not innocent. You allowed this extremism to grow and spread because it didn’t affect you too much. You are wrong. It has affected you in ways you are just now beginning to comprehend. Islamism is quickly making you the pariahs of civilization. You have let the foxes control the henhouse for far too long, and now the 12 gauge is coming out. Kick the foxes out or everyone is going to get the full taste of the enmity of the USA. We carpet-bombed Tokyo and every other major Japanese and German city during WW2, and then we nuked the 2 remaining intact Japanese cities to end it. The vast majority of Americans don’t care at all that we nuked Japan. We don’t care that we killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians, because it saved thousands of Americans lives. Even the Japanese and Germans don’t care much about it. Why? Nobody likes to taste the grapes of wrath.

Most of us don’t care one iota about any foreigners. Hell, most Americans don’t care about the Canadians or Mexicans and we share thousands of miles of borders with those countries. Less than half of Americans even know who the leader of Canada or Mexico is, and a good percentage couldn’t locate either country on a map. Why? We don’t give a shit about anyone but us. We care about making money and living a good life. Nothing ruins a good life more than killing the ones we love.

Woe to the country or countries that interferes with our good life, they will have no joy or life. We have power you cannot comprehend.



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