Friday, October 14, 2005

My view on the Supreme Court

I want the court to give the power back to the constitution. If people want to change the constitution then they can go through the proscribed way and amend the constitution. I hate the idea of a "living constitution.” It’s not alive, it’s a piece of paper that is the foundation of our society. Foundations aren’t alive, they are solid and unmoving. Foundations secure what is above them, they hold the structure solidly. If the foundation isn’t followed the structure will collapse. Sometimes we need to repair or strengthen the foundation to hold a new structure, but you always have to fix the foundation first before building the new structure.

Unfortunately, the government has been building without a permit and our foundation is showing signs of stress. Hairline cracks are developing and water is starting to seep in. The SCOTUS needs to halt this expansion and ensure that the foundation is strengthened. The SCOTUS must force the Congress and President to build within the foundation. If the people desire it, the foundation can be changed and will support the new structure.

This is why I doubt I will support Miers. She hasn't convinced me or conservatives voices I listen too, and even those conservatives I don't listen to.



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